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David Hersey comments on LES MISERABLES:
During my 60 year involvement with the world of theatre where I designed the lighting for several hundred productions I thinks LES MIS is probably the most satisfying. Trevor Nunn, John Caird, John Napier and I had already created NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. In NICKLEBY we began to develop a theatrical language which was to stand us is very good stead with LES MIS. I had worked with John Napier previously but NICKLEBY was the first time with Trevor and John Caird. During the very intense production period there was very little time to discuss anything, We were all totally involved in our own areas but it was as though were at the same time connected by an invisible force urging us on. I would stagger out of the theatre late at night looking at strangers and thinking I've just written 50 lighting cues on the trot, what have you done today? For me LES MIS had the same intensity.
What I find most pleasing is the absolute fusion between Staging, Design, and Lighting. Everything is totally interrelated and seamless. It was an organic
production which grew and developed over the years as the lighting arsenal also grew and developed.